The Water Tribune
1. Introduction
The Water Tribune is the school of thought which has been created, parallel to the visual, cultural and leisure elements of the Expo in response to the requirements of an International Exposition which stems from the will to stimulate reflection, debate and a search for solutions in relation to water and sustainability. To compile and synthesize universal knowledge in order to contribute to the reorientation and improvement of the current models and systems in place regarding water and sustainable development for the 21st century, from the perspective of innovation. This objective will be attained through the development of a series of activities (Themed weeks, Agora, Events and Parallel Meetings) and the participation of the most relevant international players from today’s water scene.
The mission of the Water Platform, the intellectual vehicle for Expo Zaragoza 2008, points toward a meeting of minds regarding the most compelling issues of water and sustainable development, for debate, conciliation, summary, organisation, distillation, edition, publication and diffusion.
The legacy of the Water Tribune, as described in the Zaragoza Charter, will contribute to the positioning of Zaragoza as a world authority on water-related issues, able to offer its experience in order to benefit the Mediterranean Basin and the Latin American countries.
(Source: Expo Zaragoza web site)
The graffiti mirror
2. The Thematic Weeks
The Water Tribune, whose role it is to provide the intellectual foundations for Expo Zaragoza 2008 will provide a platform for more than 2000 international experts in the field of water, over ten Themed Weeks divided into 25 major themes. Scientists, technicians, administrators and users, entrepreneurs, politicians, philosophers, academics, researchers, communicators, intellectuals and students will put forward their proposals for public policies, some of which will be new, and others which will recall the valuable knowledge gained in the past.
Climate change, the geopolitics of water, health and education will all be elements which are present in the Themed Weeks. This is not only meant for debate, but also as a vehicle to find solutions to the new paradigm for water in the 21st Century. The work sessions, in which experts and members of the public will participate, will take place from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm in the Water Tribune Pavilion. In the final days of Expo Zaragoza 2008, and as a culmination to the Themed Weeks, the International Symposium on Water and Sustainable Development will take place on 11th September. This event will synthesize and bring coherence and meaning to the results and proposals which will be fully documented and publicly announced at the reading of the Zaragoza Charter.
The Themed Weeks will be broadcast to the five continents, in collaboration with the World Bank, through several videoconference sessions which will allow the dialogue on water to be carried beyond the banks of the River Ebro.
Schedule and thematic axes:
3. The Agora
The Ágora is a space within the Water Tribune devoted to citizenship participation. It offers a rich and plural schedule which includes scientists, politicians, communicators and artists. The visitors to the exhibition will have access to the world of water within a context in which their comments, doubts, thoughts or criticisms will constitute the central axis of the sessions.
With the aid of state-of-the-art technologies, the virtual visitors will have direct access, in real time, to the development of the sessions and their contributions will also be collected and discussed during the sessions.
4. The Water Cinema
6. Water Words/ Palabras del Agua
Water Words lecture leaflets on sale at the Water Tribune book store
More info: Water Tribune site
2. The RAMS Project
Korea will take part at the Water Tribune through RAMS (River Analysis and Modeling System) , a modeling program developed at the Seoul National University's Environmental Hydraulic Lab. The project is led by Prof. Seo Il Won.
The program uses numerical anaylsis to simulate stream flow. It includes the following special modules:
- River flow analyisis
- Pollutant model (concentration and plume evolution)
- River bed height evolution model
All Expo visitors are welcome to joining the session.
Event date: July 5th, 2008
Time: 10:00-11:30
Venue: Expo Zaragoza, Water Tribune pavilion auditorium
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